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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Global-Lottery-Secrets.com About Us

Hi, a little bit about us. My name is Michael, Micky to those who know me well. That one stuck after I went to sea

at 16 and it’s my preferred name, no ‘e’, that’s Disney : )

I live in Penzance, which is the far south west of Cornwall, England. Just one of the countless beauty spots of this wonderful planet we are so lucky to have.

I ended up in the catering and the service industry for most of my life but actually left school and started as an engineering apprentice because I always loved working with my hands. I just became an engineer of good food instead!

None of this was my real passion in life though, people were. Even on my first curriculum vitae interests section, I wrote, “my biggest interest in life is People, as that’s what life is all about”. Whatever we do, none of it happens without us, the people!

My second passion, especially after travelling the world and visiting some wondrous places (over 400 cities, towns and villages in over 42 countries) became photography! I still have the original 2nd hand “Zenith E” I first took away to sea now and with film in it. Yes, it still works well, although I do have an up to date digital “Canon D30”, That’s the one I’m holding in the photo taken by a friend and associate in the photography world, Simon Green (he’s a damned good photographer as well). That was my first exhibition in 2004.

(CLICK IMAGE FOR LARGE VIEW) Mounts Bay, Cornwall UK. The exhibition print was over six feet long.

So how did I come to be building a website that reviews
the World lotteries and Syndicates!

Well, life can take some funny twists and turns sometimes … and boy, did mine. Some good, some really good and some downright bad ones!

To cut a really long story shorter : ) I was running a Pub in Penzance and decided to buy my own. I had the money in place and was gearing up for the exchange when bang! The sellers pulled out! Shoosh! What the hell, why, how? I do not really know. Maybe they were listening to whispers in the town that I didn’t have that sort of cash. Thing is, I did, I even had spare at the time. Anyway, after paying off the legal fees for something I didn’t get I was £3,500 less in pocket. Now here’s a good twist….

After all that trying to buy fiasco I did not want to work for anybody but myself so started my own business in 2003/4 as a Photographer, designer, Printer (in a small way) and Arts and Crafts gallery. Boy ‘o boy, was that a big learning curve. Even after being in senior corporate management (I had run the Hotel and Catering in the largest naval base in Europe for 5 years) I had a lot to learn and I had to because it was my business.

Things were going good, hard work, but good. The 2006 forecast was set to blow the business out of the water and put me in good net profit for the first time then… Here we go again with one of those twists. Without warning, the bank took away my working capital (much needed) overdraft. Bang again, it killed my business dead in the water. I couldn’t buy stock to print cards to sell or paper to print and the bills couldn’t be paid. By January 2006 I had shut down my business and lost my house. In 4 short years, my half million pound goal had gone to losing the shirt off my back :.(

I lived for 2 months in a friend’s borrowed camper van on a pub car park. Middle of winter with no electric, brrrr! I had already got a job in an hotel then a flat! Every penny I earned went to living though and I couldn’t stop beating on myself for losing my Home! My mother lived with me and she very luckily got re-housed to my great relief. Crazy isn’t it, I was waiting outside the house for the bailiff to give him the keys. Would you give your keys away so easily, I couldn’t flout the law.

Time to Re-Set the Life Goals

By the end of 2006 I had re-kindled some old friendships (Hi George, that's you) where I had become involved in Multi-level and affiliate marketing. This went back to 1992/94 and wow! This kind of business had changed dramatically. I’d been really getting used to and to know the Internet as I used it in my business, but this was different. I re-joined an old team of entrepreneurs thanks to George and fired up some of the recommended low start-up, low risk businesses they were researching. One of those is the e-Lottery Syndicates with Virtual World Direct. This is a business that can, if you put the energy into it, create a six-figure income. All for a joining fee of just under ten pounds! Too good to be true, that’s what I thought. Until I started meeting the people whom had done this already and the people who I was involved with wouldn’t have touched this if it were no good. I’d known some of these people as good friends for over 20 years. It really is a no-brainer and I do not mean any disrespect by that, or to de-value the business because it is real and it does work.

Well, this was the start. I already knew the principles of getting to the top. This time I knew the principle of not letting failure get in the way of success and somebody taking it away, never again. By the end of 2007 I was forging a good friendship with one of my upline affiliate associates Peter T. The team leaders always said to talk to the upline in the team who you related to best, well Pete was the guy who I could understand face to face. No Bull! But he had something I have as well! A burning desire to succeed and a passion for the business we had become involved with and most important, a love and interest in people!

All through 2008 we researched more and more on, how and why some of the top e-lottery affiliates were getting their success. We did find out but along the way we also found and fell love with the rest of the gigantic world of the lottery. Our research was throwing up so much that we decided to put it all together in a couple of websites. If we create a good service and people are happy with it then that’s great. If it helps to fan the flames of our burning desires and quench our thirst for the great interest in people we both have, then that’s even better.

See, none of this works without us, or you, or anybody and when I go on field trips for research, I take the camera with me. Hey! That’s two birds of passion with one stone. (I will publish lottery related pics I take) "Yes I’m happy, I’m a people person, are you?"

We hope you enjoy Global lottery Secrets and tell us if there are things we can add for you to make your visits better. We will be starting a newsletter and ezine soon to keep you up to date with what’s going on in the world of lottery and syndicates.

Please do take a look at our sister site Global-Lottery-Review.com . Together we will be taking on the secrets and reviews of the Lotteries and Syndicates of the World and letting you know which are the best.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined". Henry David Thoreua.

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